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HL7 resources

HL7 RDE Message

Used by clinical applications to send an order to the pharmacy and/or dispensing systems. It may be sent as either an order containing a single pharmacy/treatment order for a patient or as an order containing multiple pharmacy/treatment orders for a patient (e.g., 1 mg tablet of Aspirin, 0.5 mg 0.5% Albuterol).

The transmission of orders occurs between the clinical application placing the order (the placer) and the clinical application filling the order (the filler). Typically, the clinician (e.g., physician) is entering orders on the HIS application which acts as the placer application in HL7 parlance. The system to which the order is targeted (e.g., the lab in the case of a complete blood count order) is the filler of the order.

Optimize resource productivity with the most trusted and flexible HL7 and API integration tools in the market

The three RDE messages include Pharmacy encoded order messages:

  • RDE-001 – ORM – Order message (also RDE, RDS, RGV, RAS)
  • RDE-011 – RDE – Pharmacy/treatment encoded order
  • RDE-025 – RDE – Pharmacy/treatment refill authorization request

The segments and groups of segments in the RDE message are as follows, and apply for all trigger events: 

MSHMessage headerRequired
NTENotes and commentsOptional, Repeatable
PatientGroup – Optional
PIDPatient identificationRequired
PID1Patient demographicsOptional
NTE-1Notes and commentsOptional, Repeatable
PatientVisitGroup – Optional
PV1Patient visitRequired
PV2Patient visit – additional infoOptional
InsuranceGroup – Optional and repeatable group
IN2Insurance additional infoOptional
IN3Insurance additional info certificationOptional
AL1Patient allergy informationOptional, Repeatable
PatientGroup – Optional
OrderGroup – Repeatable
ORCCommon order segmentRequired
PrescriptionOrderGroup – Optional
RXOPharmacy prescription order segmentRequired
NTE-2Notes and comments segmentOptional, Repeatable
RXRPharmacy route segmentRepeatable
ComponentOrderGroup – OptionalM
RXCPharmacy component order segmentRepeatable
NTE-3Notes and comments segmentOptional, Repeatable
PrescriptionOrderGroup – Optional
RXEPharmacy encoded order segmentRequired
RXR-1Pharmacy route segmentRepeatable
RXC-1Pharmacy component order segmentOptional, Repeatable
ObservationGroup – Repeatable
OBXObservation segmentOptional
NTE-4Notes and comments segmentOptional
ObservationGroup – Repeatable
CTIClinical Trial IdentificationOptional

In HL7 pipe and hat format, the RDE message would look like this:

MSH|^~&|CPSI_IF_FEED_OUT|Murphy Medical Center|||20091026120921||RDE|20091026120921|P|2.3||


PID||1061418|1061418||PYXIS^TEST^PATIENT 2||19240829|M||W|4130 US HWY








OBX|2|ST|1010.1^Body Weight||190.00|pounds

AL1|||99999998^No Known Drug Allergies



RXE|1^BID&1000,2200,^^200910150932^^0^0^|361906^PROPRANOLOL 40MG TAB

(INDERAL)|40||MG|EACH|HOLD FOR SBP #lg;90 |||1||||||||||||||



Want to learn more about HL7? Enroll in the Academy’s HL7 training course now! 

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